Thursday, August 5, 2010

"The Stolen Party"

The title of this story is very meaningful. This title means, that the party was "stolen" from Rosaura. This is because Rosaura expected that she would have an incredible time, thinking she was Luciana's "friend", but instead she discovered that she was just there to help Senora Ines. They took advantage of her being the maid's daughter. Also, Rosaura expected to recieve gifts or presents from Luciana becuase she was rich. Instead, she received two dollar bills for her HELP! Rosaura's mother was right, Rosaura was only the "maid's daughter" to Luciana. Which probably filled Rosaura with anger. As a reader, I could predict that Rosaura went home and cried her eyes out, for being so naive and actually thinking that Luciana was her friend. Then, its possible that Rosaura cried even longer and louder when she remembered Luciana's cousin, the one with the bow.


  1. Interesting response! 🥳
    By the way, Mr. Aiman here.
    Any of my students who copy-and-paste this for PRL 2, I will know. 👁️👁️
