Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Lot of Conflicts

In the short story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds", it had a lot of conflicts, both internal and external. When the priest had to ponder on which to bring the holy water to Terifilo's funeral showed and internal conflict, which is man vs self. The book also talked about how people keep their belief because Leon believed that Terifilo would need plenty of water. He wanted a Indian Burial instead of a Christian one. There is another conflict. External, man vs man because Leon had to convince the priest that the Christian Burial wasn't appropriate. This book was filled with them. Even though the book was very short, it still was interesting. This book also talked about the seasons because Terifilo died at the end of Winter, the next season is Spring, which the flowers and the other plants start to grow, and rain starts to come. So, they believe that Terifilo would send rain clouds from were he went after he died, hence the title "The Man to Send Rain Clouds".

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