Thursday, July 8, 2010

Religion Can Stop People From Saying the Whole Truth

The priest's religion is Catholic, while Leon's religion is Laguna -a native American religion.
Leon supports the belief that if a person dies they will send rain clouds as to give back to the earth. So when Teofilo, Leon's grandpa, died he and Ken needed to do a special ceremony so Teofilo could give back to the earth. They painted Teofilo's face with white, blue, and yellow streaks. Then they tied a feather to the man's hair and spread corn meal and pollen around the feather. After that Leon chooses to make Teofilo's burial a traditional Laguna funeral.
Teofilo was dressed in his best clothes and the new moccasins that Teofilo, himself made. This portrayed that Leon felt very strongly toward his beliefs. The funeral had some old men (their religion was Laguna) do a ceremony with candles and the medicines they used. Once the funeral ended the people attending the funeral embraced Teofilo's family and left food. Leon assuming that if the priest had been the one to prepare the funeral he would have made it a catholic funeral so he didn't tell the priest. Leon reasons that the priest would have said the Last Rites and sprinkled holy water over the body. It wasn't until the end of the funeral, when Louise desired to know if the priest could sprinkle some holy water over Teofilo's dead body, that he had to confront the priest. He found out that the priest would do the favor even though he would be breaking the ritual to be sprinkling holy water over a body and not saying the Last Rites.

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