Friday, July 16, 2010

What Means Switch

The short story "What Means Switch" is about a girl named Mona from New York who moves to China. She just wants to be popular and have friends like this girl who`s name is Barbara Gugelstien. One day when she goes to school she notices a boy who has never been there before. The teacher says he moved here from Japan. So Mona assumes she has an idea on how to become popular, she decides she is going to hang out with the new kid named Sherman. But her idea did not go anything like she planned. She began to really like him. When she brings him over to her house Sherman drew a picture of the Japanese flag. Mona`s mom got so mad she took the picture, ripped it up and threw in in the garbage, and told Sherman to call his mom and have her pick him up. But unfortunately Mona`s plan did not work, and by the time her and Sherman really begin to like each other Sherman has to move back to Japan.

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