Thursday, July 1, 2010

The changing of the mood in "Searching for the sunlight"

The setting of "Searching for the summer", written by Joan Aiken, starts out with a depressing mood because in the short story they said, "It has was years since the bombs had been banned, but still the dark cloud never lifted." This explains that short story has a mysterious and depressing mood because you don't know what bombs were banned and at the same time its saying a huge ominous cloud has been straddling over the people in that area for years. That also may make you imply that there was a war where this story is taking place in, which is England. What also starts off the story in a mood depressing is that this woman named Lily is getting married to a man named Tom, and there wedding is outside, but there is on sunlight. Throughout the story the mood starts to build quest begins. the quest is about Tom and Lily going out on a scooter, and they start there search for sunlight. At first they were optimistic about searching for sunlight, but then they get into a more glad and more cheerful mood. The mood changed again because there scooter breaks down in Molesworth in font of the dimmest, drabbest, most insignificant huddle houses they have come to yet. That makes the mood mysterious again. After that they find an old lady they saw bag on the ground so they picked it up and went to take it to her. The way they found out how to get there is because at the place they were staying the person that own it Mr.Noakes told them the way. When they got to the old lady's house they talked for a while and she took them up stairs and there was a whole in the roof, and there was sunlight coming through the whole Tom and Lily where so lit with joy and happiness. That is the last time the mood changed and the mood end happy and satisfied.

The theme of the story coveys that you should never give up on what your doing.

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